Reflective vests for the whole family

Pedestrians are most vulnerable on the road at night, especially in places where pedestrian crossings are not marked. In dark clothes, pedestrians are virtually invisible to a driver, and motorists do not have a chance to react in a timely manner simply because they cannot see you. Warning elements, such a reflective vest, reflect the headlights and the pedestrian or cyclist is then clea...

Do you doubt the importance of using reflective elements?

Half of us still remember the times when everyone in the street knew that the neighboring family had bought a new car. When I look out of the window at my neighbors today, I see three of them in front of their house. Yes, each member of this family of three has their own! The economic and social conditions of families are changing. People use cars every day to get to work, to shop in supermarkets,...

BRNO – HEALTHY CITY – road safety project

To be seen is worthwhile. Especially in traffic Pedestrians and cyclists are particularly vulnerable participants in road traffic. Therefore, in preventive campaigns and events, emphasis is placed on the use of colorful clothing with accessories made from reflective and fluorescent materials. What is the difference between these materials and why is it important to combine them? Not only that, but...

Easy and fast use of reflective elements for your safety

Road safety has already been written about a lot. Road accidents, however, seem to have ignored all these efforts. We still meet pedestrians and cyclists who are in the shadows, risking their health Using reflective elements ensures your road traffic visibility quickly and easily! The autumn comes, and with it an increased number of accidents caused by poor visibility. At the same time, the safety...

October to December are the riskiest months for pedestrians

BESIP – specials An examples of poor street visibility is shown in the TV shot. The sample shows differences in the visibility of different colors (50-100 meters) compared to the 200-meter visibility of reflective elements. At the same time, the most risky places are marked crossings. Even here, a pedestrian who is not equipped with reflective elements is not more visible, and yet he feels more se...

Those most at risk are children

Children are the most vulnerable participants in road traffic. Therefore, it is very important for them to be as visible as possible on the road and sidewalk.  Light-colored clothing, complete with reflective accessories, along with similarly equipped school bags and boots, should be a matter of course. „The visibility in traffic of pedestrians, cyclists, or motorcyclists can be enhanced by ...

Bad times for dog owners

All working dog owners experience bad times. Morning and evening walks take place in the dark. The weather is misty, foggy, and moody. The owner and his dog are barely visible. Few are lucky enough to have a meadow just behind their house. Usually, it is necessary to walk somewhere. And here we are at the core of the problem – our poor visibility. Hold on, dog owners, it'll be better in the sp...

Reflective vests for drivers

It is dusk, or night, and there is a car parked at the edge of the road. If, for example, persons move around the car because of a breakdown or an accident, it is very important that they have colored reflective vests. Otherwise, other drivers will only see them at the last minute. The obligation to have a vest in the car only applies to drivers in the Czech Republic. And, for example, in Slovakia...

Reflexní vesta pro celou rodinu

Chodci jsou na silnicích nejvíce ohroženi v noci, zvláště na takových místech, kde není vyznačen přechod pro chodce. V tmavém oblečení jsou chodci pro řidiče téměř neviditelní a motoristé nemají šanci včas reagovat, když vás zkrátka nevidí. Výstražné prvky, jako je reflexní vesta, odráží světla reflektorů vozidel a chodec nebo cyklista je tak dobře viditelný i za tmy. Všichni řidiči by s...

Pořiďte si reflexní prvky pro chodce, jsou povinné a hrozí pokuta!

V únoru 2016 vláda schválila novelu zákona o silničním provozu 361/2000 Sb. s cílem zvýšit bezpečnost na silnicích. Chodci nyní mají povinnost nosit za snížené viditelnosti mimo obec reflexní prvky. Počet nehod způsobených špatnou viditelností chodců, je totiž velmi vysoký a vhodný reflexní prvek může zachránit mnoho životů.  V únoru 2016 vstoupila v platnost novela zákona o silničním provozu...

Povinná výbava jízdního kola a cyklisty

Vybíráte kolo pro sebe nebo své dítě? Nebo ho jen připravujete na novou cyklistickou sezónu? Přípravu a kontrolu povinné výbavy jízdního kola byste neměli podceňovat. Při jízdě se stáváte řidičem a jste součástí provozu, proto myslete na vaší bezpečnost a na to, že byste měli být vždy dobře vidět. Pojďme se podívat na to, co byste měli vždy při jízdě na kole mít.   Mezi povinnou výbavu jízdní...